ISSN 0350-5499 (print) ISSN 2233-1794 (online) UDK 616.31
Izdavač / Publisher:
Stomatološki fakultet sa Klinikama Univerziteta u Sarajevu / Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics, University of Sarajevo,
Udruženje stomatologa u Federaciji BiH/ Association of Dentists in the Federation of BiH,
Glavni urednik / Editor in chief: Mirjana Gojkov Vukelić
Sekretar uređivačkog odbora / Secretary of editorial board: Selma Zukić
Članovi /Members: Muhamed Ajanović, Sedin Kobašlija, Amra Vuković, Enita Nakaš, Sanja Hadžić, Alma Konjhodžić Prcić, Sadeta Šečić, Lejla Kazazić, Elmedin Bajrić, Amila Zukanović, Verica Pavlić, Nikola Stojanović.
MEĐUNARODNI UREĐIVAČKI ODBOR / INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD: Anwar Barakat Bataineh (Irbid, Jordan), Jasenka Živko-Babić (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Andrija Petar Bošnjak (Rijeka, Hrvatska), Hrvoje Brkić (Zagreb , Hrvatska), Dolores Biočina Lukenda (Split, Hrvatska), Davor Katanec (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Šahza Hatibović Koffman (London Ontario Kanada), Mladen Kuftinec (USA), Darko Macan (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Berislav Perić (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Tore Solheim (Oslo, Norveška), Dragoslav Stamenković (Beograd, Srbija), Marin Vodanović (Zagreb, Hrvatska), Dobrila Lazareva (Skoplje, Makedonija)
Lektor za engleski jezik / English language editor: Nermana Bičakčić
Tehničko uređenje / Tehnical editor: Branislav Trogrančić
Dizajn naslovnice / Cover page design: Lana Malić
Stomatološki vjesnik
Stomatološki fakultet sa klinikama
Bolnička 4a, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
Telefon: + 387 33 443 269
e-mail: glavni_urednik@stomatoloskivjesnik.ba
Web: www.stomatoloskivjesnik.ba
Stomatološki fakultet sa stomatološkim kliničkim centrom (www.sf.unsa.ba) ,
Udruženja stomatologa u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine (https://usfbih.org.ba)
Univerzitet u Sarajevu (https://www.unsa.ba)
Aim and Scope:
Stomatološki vjesnik / Stomatological review is a non-profit scientific journal that publishes original articles, case reports, letters to the editors, current perspectives, editorials, fast-track articles in a field of dentistry and other bio-medical sciences. Papers are in English language All manuscripts undergo the peer review process before can be accepted for publishing in Stomatološki vjesnik/ Stomatolgical review. Papers can be used for educational purposes without prior consent only with adequate citation of the sources. Using whole or parts of articles for commercial purposes is not permitted without prior written permission of the publisher.
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the DOAJ (https://doaj.org) definition of open access.
Copyright owns the publisher:
University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Dentistry with Dental Clinical Center.
This journal is indexed or abstracted by: Index Copernicus, SIS, EBSCO, CiteFactor and Academic Resource Index.
Časopis Stomatološki vjesnik je oslobođen poreza na promet prema mišljenju Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta br: 04-15-661/2002.
Journal Stomatological review is tax exempt according to the opinion of the Federal Ministry of Education Science Culture and Sports no: 04-15-661/2002.