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Any complaint (a complaint about scientific content, a complaint about processes, a complaint about publication ethics, etc.) should, in the first instance, be handled by the Editor-in-Chief(s) responsible for the journal and/or the Editor who handled the paper. (Please check the contacts page on the journal homepage). The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor decides on a course of action and provides feedback to the complainant. The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor considers the authors’ argument, and the reviewer reports and decides whether
- The decision to reject should stand;
- Another independent opinion is required
- The appeal should be considered.
The complainant is informed of the decision with an explanation if appropriate. Decisions on appeals are final.
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Following the editorial policies of the Stomatological review, authorship is governed by a structured process. Authors of accepted manuscripts are required to sign a copyright form that outlines the terms and conditions related to the intellectual property rights associated with the submitted work. The copyright form serves as a mechanism to ensure transparency and accountability in acknowledging authorship and contributions.
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All authors must declare any conflict of interest. This statement must certify that all authors have seen and approved the submitted manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the manuscript on behalf of all co-authors. It is necessary to confirm that all listed authors have contributed significantly, have read the manuscript, and that research submitted to Stomatološki vjesnik / Stomatological review is not under consideration elsewhere. The journal editor will use this information to inform editorial decisions and may publish such disclosures to assist readers in evaluating the article. The conflict of interest must be declared in the cover letter. If there is no conflict of interest, please state: “Authors declare no conflict of interest.”
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Human and other animal experiments research involving human or animal subjects must have been performed following the Declaration of Helsinki and must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/). Corresponding author should submit a statement identifying the institutional or licensing committee approving the experiments, including any relevant details regarding welfare of subjects, patient anonymity and informed consent.
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Process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern
Stomatološki vjesnik/Stomatological ensures that its articles adhere to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to maintain the integrity of the academic record. A Correction will be published upon request and after editorial review when it is necessary to correct an error or omission, where the interpretation of the article may be impacted, but the original findings remain intact. Please note that correction requests may be subject to full review, and if queries are raised, you may be expected to supply further information before the correction is approved. Correction should provide clear details of the error and the changes that have been made. Under these circumstances, the Editorial Team will correct the online article, issue a separate correction notice electronically linked back to the corrected version, and add a footnote to the article displaying the electronic link to the correction notice. Retractions are examined and published when an article has serious mistakes that undermine the conclusions. Retractions are also issued when there is proof of publishing malpractice, such as plagiarism, duplicate publication, or unethical research.
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